Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Christmas Concert this Friday!

Blanco 7th-8th Grade Band Christmas Concert
Image result for christmas pic
Who: All 7th-8th grade band students
What: Christmas Concert (featuring BMS 6th-8th Grade Bands)
Where: BHS Cafeteria
When: Friday, December 14 at 6:30pm (students need to be there by 6:15pm)
Dress: Nice, dressy, festive clothes. 
Cost: FREE!

Invite all your friends and family! See you there! 

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

8th Grade Performance - Band Together to Fight Drugs - October 26th

Every year, the 8th grade band is invited to a Varsity football game to play alongside the HS Band. This year, that game will be Friday, October 26th here at Blanco Stadium. This is a great opportunity for our 8th grade band to experience what it’s like to be in HS Band. Join us as we "Band together to fight drugs!" during Red Ribbon Week! Please mark your calendars! 
Uniform for the game performance will be the new Middle School Band T-shirt with Blue Jeans. (Shirts are supposed to arrive Monday or Tuesday next week.) 8th graders will be admitted into the game for free with their band shirt and instrument.
Students will need to report to the band section of the stadium at 7pm. They will play with the HS band in the stands for the first two quarters. At halftime, they will go on the field and perform (standing, not marching) with the HS band. After halftime, the band has 3rd quarter off for concessions (bring money).  If 8th grade band students are at the stadium, they must remain with the band until the end of the game. They will be dismissed after they perform the School Song. Students may get signed out by their parent after halftime if they need to leave early. If leaving early with someone else’s parent, you must get that cleared in advance with the MS Principal.
Students usually share music with the high school students, but you are encouraged to purchase your own lyre and flip folder. Having your own flip folder/lyre will make it easier to see the music, but it is not required.  Here is an example of a flip folder https://www.wwbw.com/Grover-Trophy-10-Window-Flip-Folio-Folder-473722-473722000000000.wwbw. Here is an example of a lyre https://www.wwbw.com/Giardinelli-Alto-or-Tenor-Saxophone-Lyre-J13375-J13375000000000.wwbw. They also make flip folders for trumpet and trombone that clip onto the bell of the instrument https://www.wwbw.com/DEG-A16-HC260-Trumpet-Lyre-450278-450278000000000.wwbw. Flutes have flip folders/lyres that attach to their arm https://www.wwbw.com/DEG-A16-HC225-Flutists-Friend-Flute-Piccolo-Lyre-450275-450275000000000.wwbw. You can purchase these online (wwbw.com, amazon, etc.) or at music stores (Music & Arts, Hillje, etc.).
8th graders that help out with the HS football team should plan to perform with the band at halftime. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Conard at danette.conard@blancoisd.org.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Band Book, Binders, and Supplies

All 7th-8th grade students should have all the required supplies for band and bring them to class every day:

  • Black Binder (with pencil bag and pencils, 5 tab dividers, plastic sheet protectors, paper
  • EE Book 2
  • Instrument
  • Accessories 

Limited supplies (such as reeds and valve oil) are available for purchase at the BMS Band Hall.

Students are expected to have their own copies of all music that is handed out, and their name should be on each piece of music. Replacement fee for lost music is 25 cents/page.

60% of the final band grade is based on daily classroom participation, which includes showing up with all your stuff!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Fiesta TX Band Trip Info

On Friday, April 27th, the BMS Band will take their annual end-of-the-year Six Flags Trip. This is a fun trip to congratulate the Band for all their great performances and hard work this year. The cost for this trip will be $40 (includes admission to the park, one meal, and transportation). If you have a season pass, the cost will be $15 (includes one meal and transportation). Parents and guardians are allowed to accompany their children for the same cost. We plan to get to the park at 10:30am when it opens, and we plan to arrive back to BMS around 5:30pm. Students leaving the park earlier must have parents sign them out.

We will be splitting up the cost into two payments in order to make it easier on those families that need it. If you have trouble covering some or all of the cost, there is assistance available; however, you must contact me ASAP if you should need help. Any students that did not attend UIL and are not passing their classes will not be allowed to attend. Also, due to the fact that we will buy tickets early to get a discounted rate, there will be no refunds available. Tickets are valid until January 2019.

You may choose to pay for the entire trip at once, or you may follow this Payment Schedule:

Friday, April 13th                   $20 Deposit ($15 with Season Pass)
Monday, April 23rd                 $20 Final Payment (without season pass)

Make checks payable to: Blanco Middle School

If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you!

Friday, March 2, 2018

BMS Band gets Sweepstakes at UIL for the 2nd Year in a Row!

Congratulations to our Award-Winning Band!

(click on photo to enlarge)

The BMS Band competed in the UIL Concert and Sight Reading Contest yesterday at Canyon Lake HS. The concert program was Forward March by Paul Murtha, Ming Court by Donald Pitter, and Night Fury by Carol Brittin Chambers. The band received division 1 "Superior" ratings from all 6 judges! Receiving both a "1" in concert and a "1" in sight reading earned the band the highest award--the Sweepstakes Award! This makes the second year in a row that the BMS Band has received highest honors. Way to go, Panthers!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Guest clinician coming tomorrow!

We are very fortunate to have guest clinician, Mrs. Rhonda Alm, coming out tomorrow to work with the BMS Varsity UIL Band. She will rehearse the band and discuss different "opportunities" within the context of the music. Her professional advice will help us work our way towards another Sweepstakes award. To the top, Panther band!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Pre-UIL Contest is Tuesday, February 13th

Pre-UIL band contest is on Tuesday, February 13th,  for all eligible 7th-8th grade band students. This event takes place during the school day at Lytle HS, and we will be back before school is out. Here is the info that was sent home.

Where are we going? Lytle High School, 18975 W FM 2790 S, 78052

Who is going? All eligible 7th and 8th grade band students (must have passed 3rd 6 weeks or progress report)

What is the schedule?
8:00am – All 7th & 8th grade band members will meet in the band hall for a rehearsal.
9:00am – Load bus and trailer.
9:10am – Depart Blanco MS.
10:40am – Arrive at Lytle HS. Unload bus and trailer.
11:00am – Band goes into warm-up room.
11:30am – Pre-UIL contest performance. This is open to the public. Parents may come and watch.
1:00pm – Eat lunch at CiCi’s Pizza in San Antonio.
2:00pm – Depart for Blanco.
3:15pm – Approximate return time to BMS.

What do I wear?
2017-18 BMS Band T-Shirt and nice blue jeans. Together, we are a team. Please do not wear anything that would draw attention to yourself, like big hair bows, neon green shoes, etc.

What should I bring?
_____Instrument - in good, working order
_____Black binder - with music, scales, and warm-ups
_____Accessories  - valve oil, reeds, neck strap, mallets, etc.
_____Money - $10 for lunch (includes tip)
_____Positive attitude

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Conard at danette.conard@blancoisd.org, or call the middle school office at 830-833-5570. Thank you!