Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Fiesta TX Band Trip Info

On Friday, April 27th, the BMS Band will take their annual end-of-the-year Six Flags Trip. This is a fun trip to congratulate the Band for all their great performances and hard work this year. The cost for this trip will be $40 (includes admission to the park, one meal, and transportation). If you have a season pass, the cost will be $15 (includes one meal and transportation). Parents and guardians are allowed to accompany their children for the same cost. We plan to get to the park at 10:30am when it opens, and we plan to arrive back to BMS around 5:30pm. Students leaving the park earlier must have parents sign them out.

We will be splitting up the cost into two payments in order to make it easier on those families that need it. If you have trouble covering some or all of the cost, there is assistance available; however, you must contact me ASAP if you should need help. Any students that did not attend UIL and are not passing their classes will not be allowed to attend. Also, due to the fact that we will buy tickets early to get a discounted rate, there will be no refunds available. Tickets are valid until January 2019.

You may choose to pay for the entire trip at once, or you may follow this Payment Schedule:

Friday, April 13th                   $20 Deposit ($15 with Season Pass)
Monday, April 23rd                 $20 Final Payment (without season pass)

Make checks payable to: Blanco Middle School

If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you!

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